General financing through the capital market


The role and importance of monetary and financial spheres in playing the role of equipping financial resources and managing its management towards productive sectors is of secondary importance. Financial resources are provided in the country traditionally and in the network of commercial and specialized banks. But in recent years, a new move has started to activate the captive capacities in the capital market to finance companies and plans.

There are various methods and tools for funding in order to provide equipment, circulating capital and ... for industrial, mining, construction and ... projects in the capital market, including debt instruments (Islamic securities or The same coupons, equity bonds, special investment certificates, mortgage bonds, etc.) and capital-based instruments (capital increase, public corporations, land and buildings funds for the financing of housing and project-based funds).

One of the existing mechanisms for using capital market capital to finance the creation and development of intermediaries and financial companies that provide related services is facilitating the financing of applicants from the capital market. These intermediaries and providers of services under the title of capital supply companies from the Stock Exchange (as described in the table below) are licensed and operate in accordance with Section 18, Section 1, of the Securities Market Act as an intermediary between the securities publisher and the investor community. And can carry out brokerage, trading, marketing, consulting, portfolio management, sign-up, certification, and similar activities by obtaining permission from the Stock Exchange.

Capital supply companies play an important role as an intermediary between financing and capital market applicants and implement the total financing processes, helping companies to provide financing from the capital market, and by creating various and various financing arrangements In the form of debt-based instruments (Islamic securities, namely, sukuk, equity bonds, long-term special investment certificates, bonds, etc.) and capital-based instruments (capital increase, public corporations, land funds and buildings to finance Housing and project funded departments) with reputable companies They help finance and finance the capital market for applicants.


Supply consultants

In order to capitalize on the capabilities and methods available in the capital market for financing, the point of beginning and the beginning of the recourse of applicants is to finance the supply consultants in order to obtain initial advice. Advisors are licensed from the Stock Exchange and provide the following services to the following:
1 Review the program or issue of publisher financing and provide advice on the appropriate financing method.
2 Providing advice on securities laws and regulations and legal acts of the publisher.
3 Provide guidance for providing justification report.
4 Reviewing the information, documentation and documentation of the justification report and, if necessary, obtaining the opinion of experts or legal entities competent for the above reports.
5 Final confirmation of the justification report is based on the review and comments of experts or legal entities competent.
6 Filing an application or requesting exemption from registration of securities at the publisher's disposal.
7 Legal representation of the publisher to the competent authorities in order to follow the legal procedures for the issue of securities.
8 Provide justification report.
9 Perform marketing marketing studies in the hands of publishers and provide advice to the publisher about the issuance of securities, issuance conditions, how to sell or subscribe to securities, the timing of issuance and distribution of securities, and the publisher's guidance in choosing the appropriate agent for the supply of securities.
10 Marketing and sales of securities.
11 Determine the price of the sale or the admission to the securities.
12 Underwriting commitment or commitment to purchase securities in circulation.

Applicants who intend to do any of the following can use the supply of consultancy services.
1 Publication of those bonds that require authorization of the organization.
2 Issue of any securities other than shares and partnership bonds that require authorization from the organization.
3 Publication of shares at the time of the conversion of specific companies to the public.
4 Publication of shares at nominal prices at the time of the increase in the capital of public corporations admitted to the stock exchange.
5 Publication of shares at nominal prices at the time of the increase in the stock of registered corporate shares of the organization.
6 Increasing the capital of publicly traded companies registered with the organization with foreclosure and public offering of new shares.

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